On the afternoon of September 10th, Huawei officially unveiled the world's first mass-produced tri-fold smartphone, the Mate XT, at its Shenzhen launch event. Its price starts at 19999abcd,999 yuan. H...
BEIJING999abcd, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- China is scheduled to hold the 3rd High-Level Conference on Intellectual Property for Countries along the "Belt and Road" from Sept. 11 to 13 in Beijing, the countr...
HUAON PART ONE 风电叶片产业概述 风电叶片是风电机组中将当然界风能调遣为风力发电机组电能的中枢部件,亦然揣摸风电机组设想和技能水平的主要依据。风电叶片制造技能主要依据叶片的材料体系和三维几何结构发展。叶片材料的迭代升级鼓舞风电叶片制作工艺的不休卓绝,从最早的木质叶片,到近代的金属叶片,再到现时的复合材料,风电叶片制造工艺跟着所用材料的迭代不休发展卓绝。现时较为练习的风电叶片制作工艺分...