On the afternoon of September 10th, Huawei officially unveiled the world's first mass-produced tri-fold smartphone, the Mate XT, at its Shenzhen launch event. Its price starts at 19999abcd,999 yuan. Huawei also introduced two new vehicles, the AITO M9 five-seat version and the Zhijie R7, stirring excitement across the tech industry.
Since pre-orders for the Huawei Mate XT Ultimate Design opened on September 7th, over 4.3 million people had signed up by 7:00 PM on September 9th, with the numbers still rising rapidly.
During the event, Yu Chengdong, the Executive Director of the Board, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Consumer BG, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Intelligent Automotive Solution BU, officially announced the launch of the Huawei Mate XT, calling it the world's first tri-fold smartphone. Priced between 19,999 and 23,999 yuan, Yu emphasized, "What others can imagine but cannot achieve, our team has spent five years to accomplish. We dare to innovate and break boundaries, turning science fiction into reality and leading the new era of foldable screens."
"This is the world's largest and thinnest phone. My dream is to put a tablet in my pocket, and a computer in my pocket," Yu added, showcasing the Mate XT on stage. Over the years, Huawei has made continuous breakthroughs with various folding designs, including inward, outward, and vertical folds. The new triple-folding design not only rewrites industry history but also blurs the boundaries of smart device formats, transforming science fiction into reality.
The Mate XT boasts the ability to switch between single-screen, dual-screen, and triple-screen modes, offering users a versatile experience.
Yu noted, "Achieving both inward and outward folding on one screen is incredibly difficult, and ensuring durability against compression and stretching makes it even harder." To overcome these challenges, Huawei developed its unique "Tiangong" hinge system, which balances thinness and strength, enabling seamless folding without compromising on durability and ushering in a new era of foldable smartphones for global consumers.
Industry experts view the release of the Huawei Mate XT Ultimate Design as a significant leap in foldable screen technology, setting it apart from the upcoming iPhone 16. Meanwhile, the upcoming Mate 70 series and the native HarmonyOS system, expected later this year, are key steps in Huawei's broader strategy to capture the high-end market. According to reports, pre-orders for the Mate XT have been overwhelmingly popular, with more than 4.3 million registered buyers. Its scarcity has already caused prices to soar in the secondary market, with some reselling for over 100,000 yuan, highlighting its demand and rarity.
In addition to the smartphone launch, Huawei also expanded the horizons of smart mobility by introducing two flagship smart vehicles, the AITO M9 five-seat version, and the Zhijie R7. These models showcase Huawei's deep expertise in autonomous driving technology and underscore the company's commitment to integrating AI into products and reshaping the future of connected living. Collectively, these initiatives signal Huawei's open and innovative approach to embracing the era of the Internet of Everything.
Source : Lingnan on the Cloud
9月10日午后,华为深圳发布会上,全球首款量产的三折叠屏手机Mate XT认真发布,订价19999元起,并同步推出了汽车新品问界M9五座版及智界R7,科技限度再掀海潮。
9月7日,华为Mate XT不凡各人在华为官网预订开启后,终结9月9日19时,预约东说念主数朝上430万东说念主,何况还在快速增长。
发布会上,华为常务董事、终局BG董事长、智能汽车惩处有盘算推算BU董事长余承东秘书,华为首款亦然行业首款三折叠屏手机—华为Mate XT不凡各人认真发布,售价从19999元起至23999元。余承东暗示:“群众皆能念念获得,但作念不到的东西,咱们团队们耗时5年终于作念成,咱们勇于突破、勇于不凡,将科幻造成试验,引颈折叠屏新期间。”
“这是一款全球最大、亦然最薄的手机,我的梦念念是把平板放在口袋里,把电脑放在口袋里。”余承东佩戴华为Mate XT来到现场指出,多年来华为在内折、外折与竖折等多种步地上握续突破,这次三折叠屏改写行业历史冲破了智能终局步地规模,将科幻造成试验。
业内有关东说念主士暗示,华为Mate XT不凡各人的发布,标识着华为折叠屏时刻新飞跃,现在未与iPhone 16径直竞争。而年底发布的华为Mate70系列及鸿蒙原生系统,则是华为迈向高端阛阓的伏击布局。羊城晚报记者了解到,Mate XT不凡各人预订火爆,现在预约东说念主数超430万,二手阛阓已被炒至高价,最高达10万元以上,突显其阛阓热度与稀缺性。
记者 | 潘亮 实习生 彭溪源
译 | 赵凡
审 | 林佳岱999abcd